Frequently Asked Questions

How can I use coupons?

Simply click on the coupon and when the new window pops up, print as you normally would .   If you have any problems, feel free to e-mail us. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Using your mobile phone or pad, you simply need to show the advertiser your coupon on your device and the coupon should be honored.


Are these savings real?

Participating advertisers honor them just as they would other coupons and discounts.  Pay attention to expiration dates and other important disclaimer information on coupon offer.


Can I make photocopies of the coupons and saving certificates?

Sure you can!  Unless posted on coupon with any dislaimer, go ahead and share them with friends and family and everyone you know!  Most of our advertisers will also accept faxed copies as well as printed or photocopies of their offers.


When will I see coupons in my area?

Soon we hope!  We are working very hard to get discount offers to your area from local businesses.  If you would like savings in your area, you can help us out by taking a quick moment and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. your requests and suggestions.  


We Pay You $$$$ with our Referral Program

We offer a nice referral program and pay you $20.00 for your time.  When you This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and share names of businesses with a valid contact name, phone number and location, we will contact them to share what we have to offer.  When we get them to sign up with us, you get $20.00 in your pocket!   It's that simple!